aNumak & Company
3 min readAug 29, 2022

Distinction Between NLU And NLP And How These Technologies Can Assist Logistics Firms

In Artificial intelligence (AI), knowing what the users want is always important. NLU (Natural Language Understanding) and NLP (Natural Language Processing) are technologies that play a crucial part in comprehending what people want. Each use machine learning to determine the meaning of texts.

As AI increasingly becomes a part of various sectors, the need for these technologies is also in demand as they are a branch of AI. These technologies are vital in these sectors as AI significantly impacts a firm’s productivity and operation. The logistics firm is one such firm where these technologies can impact substantially.

So, are there differences between NLU and NLP? How can these technologies impact logistic firms’ productivity and operation?


Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the subfield of artificial intelligence that enables machines to read, comprehend, and infer meaning from human languages.. It combines a field of linguistics and computer science to decipher language structure and guidelines and to make models that can comprehend, break down, and separate significant details from text and speech. It identifies and structures the most critical data into text, numbers, or computer language. NLP enables the machine to take what one is saying, make sense of it and formulate a statement of its own as a response. It allows computers to understand the context and meaning of our words. To achieve this, many techniques are employed, such as part-of-speech tagging, tokenization, stemming, natural language generation, etc. some applications of NLP include autocorrect, grammar tools, translations, etc.

Natural Language Understanding is a subpart of NLP. It uses software to understand the input (sentences, text, or speech). It analyses the data to determine its actual meaning and intent. NLU can understand emotions from reader, e.g., customer emotion from tweets, emails, etc. It focuses on the speaker’s intention instead of word formation. Some applications of NLU include sarcasm detection, sentiment analysis, transcreation, etc.

While NLU is a subset of NLP, they are both used together. This combination drives change in modern-day industries.

Impact of NLU and NLP on Logistics firms :

Logistics firms can benefit from NLU and NLP. Here are a few benefits of NLU and NLP in logistic firms:

Limit language barriers: For logistic firms that deal on a global scale, documents can be translated from one language to another.

1)Automate processes:

Simpler, more rigid rule-based systems lack sufficient adaptability and generalizability. The large data pools and innovative training methodologies for machine learning now available to enterprises reduce deployment costs. The increasing drive to automate tasks generates ideal conditions for the enterprise adoption of NLP. NLP can be used to obtain a useful summary of information for improvement purposes.


By querying complex datasets using NLP, ways to improve and optimize the logistics processes can be found.


NLP can help monitor data changes in real-time and accurately maintain master data.


Natural language processing has recently been widely adopted in the majority of organisations. Through cognitive automation and intelligent insights, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a substantial impact on the operation and efficiency of logistics companies. NLP applications assist logistics organisations in becoming more productive, competitive, and lucrative while enhancing the rate and calibre of solution delivery.

AI helps by bringing a disruptive change in logistics firms through a series of crucial solutions such as getting inventory optimization, shipping route planning, etc.

NLP and NLU have positively impacted logistics firms and helped make processes more manageable.

aNumak & Company
aNumak & Company

Written by aNumak & Company

aNumak & Company is a Global Business and Management Consulting firm with expertise in building scalable business models for diverse industry verticals.

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